Thursday 12 January 2012

Exam Outline

Section A: Theoretical Evaluation of Production (50 marks)
  • 1a) Theoretical evaluation of skill development over the course of the two years (both AS and A2 c/w productions including preliminary and ancillary tasks)
  • 1b) Theoretical evaluation of the production and evaluate it in relation to a media concept
Section B: Contemporary Media Issues (50 marks)
  • 2) Contemporary media issues (The representation of British youth and youth culture)
Section A Question 1a
  • Canddiates answer two compulsary questions. The first requires them to describe and evaluate their skills development over the course of their production work., from foundation portfolio to advanced portfolio. The second asks them to identify one productiona and evaluate it in relation to one theatrical concept.
  • Questions 1(a) requires candidates to describe and evaluate their skills over the course of their production work, from foundation portfolio and advanced portfolio. The focus of this evalution must be on skills develpopment and the question will require them to adapt this to one or two specific production practices. The list of practices to which questions will relate as follows:
  • Digital technology
  • Creativity
  • Rsearch and planning
  • Post prodcution
  • Uing conventions from real media texts
Section A Question 1b
  • In the examination, questions will be posed using one of these categories.
  • Where candidates have prdocued relevant work outisde the context of their a level media course they are free to initially refer to this experience
  • Question 1b requires candidates to select one production and evaluate it in relation to a media concept. The list of concepts to with questions will relate is as follows:
  • Genre
  • Narrative
  • Representation
  • Audience
  • Media Language
Section B
  • How do the contemporary media represent British Youth and youth culture in different ways?
  • How does contemporary representation compare to previous time periods?
  • What are the social implications of different media representations of british youth and youth culture?
  • To what extent is human identity increasingly mediated?
In order to be fully prepared for the specific requirements of the question the material stuied by candidates must cover these three elements
  • Historical - dependant on the requirments of the topic candidates must summarise the development of the media forms in question in theatrical contexts
  • Contemporary - examples from five years before the examination
  • Future - condidates must demonstarte personal engagment with debates about the future of the media forms/issuses that the topic relates to

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