Tuesday 6 March 2012

Representation of Young People

  • "What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders; they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?" Plato 4th Century (suggests British youth has always been viewed in a negative manner)

Stereotypes are social constructs
  • They originate in and reflect the power relations in society because they are part of the culture's ideology
  • They foster values that reinforce group and individual subordination
  • They marginalise people treating them as the "other"
  • They categorise people into groups whose members supposedly share inevitable characteristics, most typically negative ones
Characteristics of stereotypes
  • Stereotypes are categorical and general suggesting the traits that apply to all group members
  • They are inflexible or rigid, thus not easily corrected
  • They are simplistic
  • They are prejudgements not based on experience
  • Can be conscious or unconscious
Hegemony in News Representations of Youth
  • Media industries operate within a structure that produces and reinforces the dominant ideology via a consensual 'world view'
  • This world view is produced predominantly by white middle class, middle aged, heterosexual men
  • It is their ideas and values that infiltrate media texts and ensure that other voices do not get heard
  • Propaganda is a form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of community toward some cause or position
  • The end result of propaganda : moral panic
What is Happening at the Moment?
  • What are the social implications of these representations?

  • What words describe youth and youth culture in today's media?
- Yob
- Chav
- Gangs
- Scum
- Trouble seekers
- Hoodies
- Aggressive
- Confrontational
- Outspoken
- Out of Control
- Wild

  • What words describe old people in today's media?
- Lonely
- Fragile
- Elders
- Critical
- Angry
- Crazy
- Stubborn

"The Youth of Today" DVD
  • Less than 2% of youths in Oxfordshire have committed a crime

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